Grandpa’s Treasures

It has been a while since I indulged myself by sharing photos of my grandsons… I think the title says it all…

Bri Playing with the Twins 1464659_677062739219_5977561320017566082_n

Twins laying on floor facing each other and camera 10153976_676809935839_4377272660694070262_n

Twins Standing in Cribs laughing 10246497_677891438499_5342250590964517992_n1466133_10151947635017935_263029427_n

With Love,

About russtowne

I'm awed by the beauty of nature and the power of love and gratitude. Some of my favorite sensory experiences include waves crashing on rocky shores, waterways in ancient redwood and fern-filled forests, and rain. My wife and I have been married since 1979. We have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren. I manage a wealth management firm that I founded in 2003. My Beloved is a Special Education teacher for Kindergartners and First Graders. I'm a published author of approximately 60 books in a variety of genres for grownups and children.
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32 Responses to Grandpa’s Treasures

  1. JanBeek says:

    Well, it’s high time!! They have grown a bunch and they are cuter than ever. Yes, you have much to be grateful for, you Grateful Man!! Thanks for sharing – – – this is a gift for us Moms on Mother’s Day weekend – and us Grammys who are missing the proximity of our children and grandangels! 🙂

  2. Joan says:

    Adorable- you must miss them terribly!

  3. russtowne says:

    Thank you, Joan. We do, despite seeing the twins every 3 months or so for about 10 days and seeing them on Skype weekly. When I was growing up, one set of grandparents lived on the other coast. Neither they nor my large family had the money to fly to see each other. Consequently, since about the age of 3-1/2 I only saw my grandfather twice before he died. I’m doing my best to not let that occur with my grandchildren.

    • Mrs. P says:

      I’m doing the Skype thing as well but there really is no substitute for the real thing. Good for you on making the trip every 3 months! I am more like your grandfather…trips are not as frequent as I would like…but boy do I treasure them!

      • russtowne says:

        I agree that while Skype is great it’s no substitute for being with them in person, hugging and playing with them, making them laugh, watching them sleep, explore, learn and grow.
        Trips are never as frequent as we’d like either, and we too treasure them when they occur!

    • Joan says:

      Wise decision.

  4. ksbeth says:

    these are such cute pictures, russ. you are a very lucky family. thank you for sharing them with us ) beth

  5. You’re not only entitled … it’s written in the duties of a grandparent …. they are adorable ! Diane

  6. They are adorable!
    Diana xo

  7. It looks like your heart is walking around outside of your chest in the form of some gorgeous babies. 🙂

  8. Andrea Kelly says:

    How totally cute! The one with the two of them in their cribs is priceless 🙂

  9. mimijk says:

    They have gotten so big!! And they are truly yummy little boys – those smiles say it all.. 🙂

  10. Absolutely precious! Ya just want to take a bite of those cheeks! 🙂

  11. billgncs says:

    Stylish dressers already ! 🙂

  12. russtowne says:

    LOL! Poor kids! They’re going to look back at those outfits when they get older and groan, but we love ’em now and we’re the ones who are (sometimes) in control. BWAHAHAHA!!

  13. utesmile says:

    They are precious and yes treasures , and so adorable, I understand you so much! Do enjoy them whenever you can visit them!

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