The Purpose of this Blog

“Words have the power to destroy or heal. When they are both true and kind, they can change the world.” – Buddha

My hope is that you will experience truth and kindness in my writing, and that it will remind you of the greatness and goodness within yourself and others.

With Love,

140 Responses to The Purpose of this Blog

  1. Thank you so much for this Russ!! Please just keep my husband and I in your prayers.
    Thank you,

  2. jolynproject says:

    I thought this would be a good place to tell you that I nominated your beautiful blog for the aptly-titled Beautiful Blogger Award. Learn more here:

  3. Gina says:

    Hello Russ, your heart-warming blog has become a favorite place for me to visit for uplifting and thought-provoking material. You are an everyday hero to me! I have included you in my list for The Sunshine Award, but as you may know… I’m all about ‘do what you love’ so join in the fun if you want to and of course whenever the time is right. Blessings, Gina

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, Gina for your kind nomination and especially for your wonderul and heart-warming message. Wow! It’s cool to be told I’m an everyday hero! Very cool! Thank you! You brighten my days as you write from your heart. Thank you for sharing yourself with me and so many others.

      • Gina says:

        That is so nice of you to say, and I am delighted to share some sunshine around and brighten someone’s day 🙂 I am so glad you enjoy it.

  4. Dear Russ, my heart made a little leap of joy when I came by to visit today. Yours is a place infused with kindness and gratitude for life it can only have spilled forth from an abundant heart. It warms my heart knowing that there is someone like you out there in the world today making that difference. I look forward to getting to know you! With many warm blessings from Finland, Sharon

    • russtowne says:

      Hi, Sharon. From half a world away your post warmed my heart, brought a big and lasting smile to my face, and brightened my day. Talk about the power of words and of kindness! Although we live a great distance apart and have only just “met”, I already know that we are kindred spirits in many ways. Thank you for making my world better simply by being in it.


  5. JanBeek says:

    Your purpose statement is succinct and well-phrased. It’s a worthy endeavor and rather daunting at times, isn’t it? An uplifting and heart-warming blog – – – that’s a nice place to bask. Thank you for sharing, Russ.

  6. russtowne says:

    Thank you, Jan. Yes, there are days when it feels like a daunting task to keep coming up with posts that are worthy of the vision and of the wonderful readers and followers of this blog, but it is a labor of love and that lightens the load and often makes it fun. And the delightful people like you who I get to “meet” online definately make it all worthwhile.


  7. boomiebol says:

    I love the purpose of your blog

  8. judysp says:

    Russ what can I say? Your blog is absolutely lovely. I am a follower now. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day. cheers Judy

    • russtowne says:

      Wow! Thank you for your kind comments, judysp! I’m glad that you have found some value in this blog. I look forward to getting to know each other via our blogs. I like the glimpses of your spirit that I’ve seen so far in your writing and look forward to experiencing and enjoying many more of your posts.

      Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!


  9. Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

    Hello dear Russ, You KNOW how much I enjoy your blog and am happily giving you the Versatile Blogger Award, which looks like a big shiny trophy. As always, it’s all in fun and only if you would enjoy participating. More info on my post. Warm Hugs, Gina

    • russtowne says:

      Hi, Gina. I thought I’d already replied to your wonderfully kind award noimination, but in case I haven’t: I appreciate your kindness. I’m kind of backlogged in doing all the stuff one is asked to do to accept awards right now (I know that may sound arrogant, but it isn’t meant to be anything more than an acknowledgement and explanation as to time constraints. At a minimum, in the next 7 days I commit to you to check out a minimum of 10 blogs that I haven’t yet visited, mentioned at least 4 blogs in my posts, reblog at least two posts from other sites, and leave at least 5 comments and 20 “Likes”. In that way I can continue spreading the love and live to what I believe is the spirit of most awards. Hopefully that works for you!


      • Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

        My dear Russ, first off, you never sound arrogant. And next, PLEASE know that I no longer participate in Awards and hope I explained it kindly in my Awards Page. I adore sharing the love around, but I never want anyone to feel obligated or to feel like it’s ‘homework’ (which I sure did, after a while). Now as I get nominations (got one today) I will update that Page with a warm thank you to the nominee and a link to their Awards post. That way my Awards page is filled with links and lists… introducing each other all around. But I now work on ever increasing my blogroll instead. Easy for others to check out some of my favorite places.. .like here!
        So feel free to accept my kudos (always) for doing all you do to share your love and light in our growing blogging community. Please do not feel any obligation, especially on my part, to do more than accept the compliment. Do what you LOVE… the writing, the sharing…. not the ‘homework’. Unless of course you are lovin’ every minute of it 🙂 ~Hugs, Gina

  10. russtowne says:

    Thank you, Gina. I’m deeply honored and humbled by this award, even more so becasue it is being presented by you as I hold you and your blog nin such high esteem. Due to some prior commitments it may be awhile before I’m able to properly nominate others for this award–and I’m continuing to research blogs–but know that I intend to more approriately share the love fairly soon.

    With deep admiration and kind regards,

  11. Genie says:

    I have nominated you for Mrs. Sparkley’s Ten Commandments Award. If you choose to accept the rules are on my post: If you do not choose to accept that’s okay, just know I enjoy your blog.

  12. russtowne says:

    Thank you, Genie! I appreciate your kindness. I’m kind of backlogged in doing all the stuff one is asked to do to accept awards right now (I know that may sound arrogant, but it isn’t meant to be anything more than an acknowledgement and explanation as to time constraints. At a minimum, in the next 7 days I commit to you to check out a minimum of 10 blogs that I haven’t yet visited, mentioned at least 4 blogs in my posts, reblog at least two posts from other sites, and leave at least 5 comments and 20 “Likes”. In that way I can continue spreading the love and live to what I believe is the spirit of most awards. Hopefully that works for you!


  13. Julianna says:

    Love the quote here, and the energy on this page. Sending Light and Love!

  14. Rad change says:

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!

  15. Thanks for the follow!! 🙂

  16. nyparrot says:

    It all starts with thoughts… Great blog!

  17. russtowne says:

    Thank you! I appreciate your kind feedback!


  18. I am Gerry says:

    This is by far the best blog I’ve ever seen! 🙂

    • russtowne says:

      WOW! Thank you, Gerry! That is one of the best compliments I’ve ever received!

      • I am Gerry says:

        Looking at the title of your page, the tone and what you have been writing speak much of who and what you are. I’m glad I came across your page.

        • russtowne says:

          Thank you, Gerry. It has been my experience that when someone admires something in another, they most often have similar positive attributes within themselves. I’m now following your blog. So far, of the posts I’ve seen, I like your honesty and the fact that when you’ve had a chance to go snarky, mean-spirited, or cynical, you chose a different path. I like that path and wish you much continued succes in your life and with your blog. I’ve found that you can’t go wrong speaking from your heart and sharing glimpses of your glorious spirit with the world.


  19. I love your wonderful reminder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Louise G. says:

    One of the things I love about blogging is getting to meet people of like mind and spirit. how delightful to meet you! and thank you for dropping into my place so I could get to know you here!

  21. Shalvika P says:

    Thank you so much Russ for the visit to my blog 😀 I like what you write. I’m gonna follow you and look forward to reading more of your stuff!

  22. soumyav says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking it.. loved the genuineness in your words here on your post

  23. There is a mention of you in my blog today. Thanks for your kindness to all♥

    • russtowne says:

      I saw it. Thank you for your kind mention of my blog in you post! I’m glad that you found it worthwhile to visit. You’re welcome anytime!

      Happy Half-Birthday and Happy Six-Months Blog Day! Or something like that!


  24. Rhonda says:

    Russ…a snippet from a post of mine back on July 5th:
    “I’m a simple person, with simple words, and the sentiment Richard expresses here still surprises me…but it does make me realize that words have power and we should use them with care. The power to hurt, the power to heal, the power to provoke, and the power to lift. If my words helped Richard, I’m happy. His words do the same.”
    Just wanted you to know that, while I didn’t know the words of Buddha, I’m glad you put the quote here…my spirit lifted when I read it just knowing that I’m on the right path with a clear sense that I can make a difference with the only thing I have to offer, other than myself…my words.
    Your motivation for your blog shines through loud and clear, and I’m thankful you found me so I could find you, a new source for light, inspiration, and positive energy in what can be a pretty dark and daunting place.
    Thank you

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Rhonda. I have a feeling this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship! (I stole that line or something close to it from one of my favorite movies, Casablanca, but it is still MY truth. Bogey just said it decades before I got a chance to!) ;-D!


  25. Rhonda says:

    I can’t think of a better place to steal such a line! And I agree; here’s to beginnings then!

  26. beebeesworld says:

    Thank you for reading my blog, I will follow your blog and hope you will continue to read and follow mine. Your blog sounds appealing in concept!

  27. Andrea Kelly says:

    Russ, Thank you for following my blog and your thoughtful comments! I love reading your posts, they are always so insightful, positive, and supportive! That’s why I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award 🙂 Check it out at:

    One Lovely Blog Award

  28. I truly love your blog! It warms my heart to read your posts! How am I able to follow it so I don’t miss anything?
    Thank you,

    • russtowne says:

      Welcome! Thank you for your kind comment! I love the name of your blog and plan to check out your blog sometime after the market closes today.

      To follow my blog: Hopefully ABOVE the large white horizontal bar that contains the name of my blog in large font near the top of the screen is a thin horizontal black bar. Inside that black bar in the upper left of your screen and reading from left-to-right should be Worpress’ logo, then “A Grateful Man”, and then the word “Follow”. If you click on the word “Follow” I think that should work. If it doesn’t or your screen is set up differently, please say so in the comments section and perhaps one of my dear readers will offer other suggestions.


  29. Pingback: Surprised Twice « hometogo232

  30. Hi, I nominated you for The Illuminating Blogger Award…Diane Details at

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you for your kindness, Diane! I am honored by your action. Thank you! I plan to learn more about it at the link you provided sometime after the investment markets close today.


  31. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Hi Russ. I have nominated you for the Dedicated Follower Award. Details are here: And thank you so much for being here! Love, Cathy

  32. Russ, thank you for stopping by and liking my blog.I hope to be grateful along with you with my words.

    Take care,


  33. Pingback: Four More and Seven Tears ago… « Help Me Rhonda

    • russtowne says:

      Hi, Rhonda. I’m not familiar with Pingbacks so if I’m breaking ettiquette somehow by not doing something in return please know that it isn’t intentional!

      I just re-blogged a post I enjoyed from your blog.


  34. Rhonda says:

    Russ…when you have time…would you please stop by?

  35. Pingback: Humility Tested « hometogo232

  36. Hi Russ…Hope you are well..I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blog Award Diane Should you wish to see details and/or participate details are at

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, Diane. How sweet of you! I plan to got to your site and get the details sometime in the next 24 hours after I deal with several work-related projects and meetings. I appreciate your kindness!

  37. Pingback: Thank You Diane! & More About Me (Aren’t You Getting Tired of Hearing About Me Yet?) | A Grateful Man

  38. Hi Russ, Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate the likes and comment!

  39. sophypoo77 says:

    I’m so glad you found my little blog because it has led me to yours.

  40. Dear Russ, what a big-hearted blog this is! From my heart to yours, thank you.
    Bless xoxo

  41. Pingback: A Belated Appreciation of a lovely Award « Jiltaroo

  42. Lori says:

    Thank you for stopping by Dear Ms. Migraine and liking my post. You have an amazing blog here. Keep up the good work!

  43. jolynproject says:

    Hi Russ, I nominated you for the 2012 Blog of the Year Award. 🙂 Thanks for spreading positive energy through your blog.

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, Jolyn! I am honored by your nomination of my site. I’m also swamped after having been out of town for three days. It is going to take awhile for me to catch up, but when I do I plan to inform readers about you and your fun, check out the the other blogs you nominated and most like begin to follow some of them, and will probably reblog some posts from some of them over time to help spread the love.


  44. Andrea Kelly says:

    Happy Holidays, Russ!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog and the tidbits of inspiration you sprinkle throughout our days 🙂 Yours is definitely one of the best blogs out there! Just thought I would stop by and let you know I’ve nominated you for the Blog of the Year Award:


    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, kindly, Andrea! I appreciate that you have taken the time to honor my blog in this way. Congratulations on all of the awards you have earned. I enjoy reading your blog a lot. I’ve been out of town all weekend and have had out of state company for the last 10 days so I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, but in the meantime I wanted to acknowledge your kindness.

      Happy New Year!


  45. Hey Russ…great site you have here, but a lil hard to find! If you want to link your Gravatar profile to here–here’s an easy How-to I posted for us Bloggers…:)

  46. This is the most refreshing mission statement I have ever read! You are accomplishing this goal well, sir.

  47. russtowne says:

    Charron: LOL! I love stadium waves! I believe my blog is now easier to find thanks to you! Thank you!

  48. Steve Lakey says:

    My first time here, but I’m sure it won’t be my last! I appreciate the positivity.

  49. Hi Russ! I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, simply because you’ve inspired me with your posts! You can check out the details here:

  50. russtowne says:

    Congratulations for being nominated for this award and thank you for nominating my blog for same. I’m humbled and honored at receiving it. As I have received this award multiple times before, and mention and list many blogs on an on-going basis including at least 70 at a time on my home page via their avatars, I will acknowledge you and your blog for honoring my blog and I will mention 7 things about myself that I hopefully haven’t mentioned earlier. Hopefully that is in keeping with the spirit of the award.

  51. Congratulations ~ I’ve nominated you for the WP Family Award! Please stop by to pick up your award ~ Hugs to you!

  52. dlcloe says:

    It gives me great pleasure to tell you that I have linked you in my latest post as a part of my WordPress Family:
    Have a wonderful week!

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, Deanna! It gives me great pleasure to read your comment. May you always feel welcome at my humble online home. I look forward spending quality time at your online home too.


  53. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you.

    Thanks for following my blog Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

  54. willowdot21 says:

    I love Buddha’s reasoning ergo I think I shall like yours too! 😉

  55. Dr Bill says:

    Russ, I know that you recently discussed not receiving awards, but I have been so impressed with your writings, I am somewhat stepping over those wishes and nominating you for the WordPress Family Award. You can see more at Thank you for your thoughtful posts. Bill

    • russtowne says:

      Thank you, Bill. Thank you. I am touched that that you took the time to honor my blog in this way. I too enjoy your writing and your blog.

      For clarification to all bloggers:

      My recent declaration about awards is more to help fellow bloggers to know in advance that I will be unlikely to do all the things necessary to accept an award. In other words, it was to let myself off the hook in advance regarding anyone’s expectations as to what I will do upon receiving them. I think awards are a great idea, and when I began receiving them as a new blogger, I felt heard, honored, understood, and appreciated. I still feel that way about the individual, and the wonderful people who take the time to nominate my blog for them. It is more a matter of “Too-much-of-a-good-thing” and took increasing amounts of time from what I prefer to do, which is to write and to enjoy the writing of others. Thank you all for your understanding, support, and friendship.


  56. clarksapoet says:

    Russ – I listened to your songs, “nature’s symphony” and “my old friend” today. (finally put the cd in my computer, re-imported my old iTunes songs, which got pushed aside by Pandora). The songs are quite good. Thanks for sharing.


  57. Pingback: A Worthy Project | hometogo232

  58. Harold Green says:

    Hi Russ, thank you for discovering my blog You gave me the opportunity to discover, explore and decide to Follow your blog. Hope we both enjoy our journeys. Best, Harold, and my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon,

  59. yummcha says:

    Though the words are simple, the effect and meaning are strong. Thank you.

  60. Ann Koplow says:

    Thank you so much for all of this.

  61. ohmart says:

    Hi, – in its annual review of my blog – recommended your blog as one I might like to follow as it believed we were similar. I’m not exactly sure how they figured that out but I did enjoy some of your articles. Well thought-out, well-written, and well… good to read.

    Have a great 2014! []

  62. SirenaTales says:

    What a lovely vision and purpose–thank you for the inspiration.

  63. Annika Perry says:

    This is one of my favourite quotes and will remain true throughout time. I am looking forward to following your inspirational and positive blog. Great name for it – I feel grateful for life and it’s wonders everyday.

  64. Mrs. P says:

    A noble purpose…you seem to be accomplishing this well.

  65. ksbeth says:

    and you have done this, russ.

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