I Just Opened a Window

It began to feel a bit stuffy in my home office, so I just opened a window. It only took a moment, but in the space of a heart-beat magic happened. My senses were aroused by the sumptuous melodies of songbirds singing so near it seemed they’d flown into my office to share their gifts with me. The scents of rain and the flowers beneath my window melded into a potent aroma of olfactory pleasure. Inches away, great multi-colored blossoms captured my eyes, each vibrant petal an invitation to soak in its beauty and experience its exquisite softness with a touch.

Living in that moment, concerns of deadlines, challenges, fears, and commitments disappeared. As I typed the last sentence, it occurred to me I’d not nearly enough emphasized the first word. LIVING! Really LIVING! That is what I’m doing when I remove the blinders of everyday distractions from my senses and heart and truly experience the wonders all around me.

A profound sense of gratitude, joy, connectedness, and peace envelops me. A bit of sadness too, for letting a lack of mindfulness and a thin pane of glass separate me from all these blessings. The sadness doesn’t last. How could it, when surrounded by so many miracles?

With Love,

About russtowne

I'm awed by the beauty of nature and the power of love and gratitude. Some of my favorite sensory experiences include waves crashing on rocky shores, waterways in ancient redwood and fern-filled forests, and rain. My wife and I have been married since 1979. We have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren. I manage a wealth management firm that I founded in 2003. My Beloved is a Special Education teacher for Kindergartners and First Graders. I'm a published author of approximately 60 books in a variety of genres for grownups and children.
This entry was posted in Abundance, Animals, Awareness, Blessings, Connection/Connecting, Contentment, Feelings/Emotions, Gifts, Gratitude, Heart, Joy & Happiness, Miracles, Nature, Peace and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

26 Responses to I Just Opened a Window

  1. I did live this blessing with you.thank you

  2. ksbeth says:

    sometimes we all need a reminder )

  3. utesmile says:

    How beautifully said. Live in themomenta nd enjoy the birds osng there and then and stop to listen and enjoy.

  4. sounds like a great place to be Russ!

  5. It’s most often the little …sometimes overlooked things in life that bring the greatest pleasure .. if only we noticed more! Diane

    • russtowne says:

      “If only” indeed. I plan to spend many more hours working outside this year than last. With a portable computer and Wi-Fi there’s no need to be chained to my desk when the beautiful world is right outside.

  6. Oh yeah I so get that

  7. Mrs. P says:

    Did I hear rain…or should I say…smell? Now that would be glorious!

    Not long ago the bird mating season completed and now we are hearing the sounds of babies, hungry for food. We are surrounded by cardinals with a multi-part song. I used to think it was several different birds, but a bit of research proved that it really was just one song.

    Though I live in a warm climate, we do have a dormant period in which the frogs and toads are silent, as are the birds (except the crows) and all the lizards seem to disappear. Then suddenly they are all awake and alive and communicating again, bustling here and there. I find myself following their simple life pattern.

    • russtowne says:

      A simple life pattern can be a glorious thing. Cardinals are one of my favorite birds. I love their striking beauty and we don’t have them where I live, so I love seeing them when I travel.

      Rain has been rare here this season but we just got a bit more of the life-giving stuff, and I’m grateful.

      • Mrs. P says:

        I agree, they are my favorite as well. A funny thing about cardinals…they like to look at themselves in mirrors. Often I will walk outside and they are sitting at the car door, pecking at the side view mirror, for as long as 15 minutes.

        • russtowne says:

          LOL! I had no idea. Thank you for the humorous info. I know the cardinal is the state bird in several states in the U.S. I think it is the state bird for more states than any other of our feathered friends.

  8. bulldog says:

    Now that is why I start every day outside come hell or high water… the sound of nature is a kick start to anyone’s day…

  9. JanBeek says:

    So good to step back into your wisdom and optimism. Yes, Russ, you are blessed… and so am I. Thanks for reminding me to open the window and smell the rain. It’s falling softly in my part of Montana right now; Cleaning the air; washing the environment, watering the trees and bushes, growing the flowers, raising the rivers,delighting the fishermen, refreshing the soul. Thank you, God! ❤

  10. B.C Meurk says:

    Your explanation of a window opening allowed my own window to open. Thanks heaps!

  11. Pingback: Thank You All! « LargeSelf

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