What is Done in Love is Done Well

I love this post. It reminds me of the saying that goes something like this: “Whatever is done without love is a wasted opportunity.”



JUSTINE-WADDELL-VAN-GOGH-GIRL-vincent-van-gogh-35500896-3494-3000 Justine Waddell by Vincent Van Gogh

Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

Vincent Van Gogh

Love is a word we don’t always feel comfortable using in North America. It’s a word that is limited to how we feel about our lover or our family. To use the word love with any other person can be awkward at best.

Sure we use it as in loving humankind or nature or science or a cause or for activities like bowling, cycling, reading, running, or whatever you love to do. But you won’t catch us referencing it about the letter carrier, a co-worker or neighbor.

And that’s too bad really.

Because even if you have a degree, or years of experience, or you can do whatever it is you do while blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back, it’s just a lot of noise if…

View original post 43 more words

About russtowne

I'm awed by the beauty of nature and the power of love and gratitude. Some of my favorite sensory experiences include waves crashing on rocky shores, waterways in ancient redwood and fern-filled forests, and rain. My wife and I have been married since 1979. We have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren. I manage a wealth management firm that I founded in 2003. My Beloved is a Special Education teacher for Kindergartners and First Graders. I'm a published author of approximately 60 books in a variety of genres for grownups and children.
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8 Responses to What is Done in Love is Done Well

  1. Loving someone or others in different ways is a great act if it’s done well. If have not love, it is hard to say and do.
    If you have love then It is the greatest gift you tell, show and give to others.

  2. Thank you Russ and may your Sunday be filled with love! ❤
    Diana xo

  3. As a stalker of Diana I have read this already but get why you shared it it’s amazing

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